Maykin Music Dance
6pm - No Worries 7pm - Maykin Music Cash Bar/Food Available $15 Advance Tickets / $20 at the door
6pm - No Worries 7pm - Maykin Music Cash Bar/Food Available $15 Advance Tickets / $20 at the door
Let's eat, drink and be thankful together Join us for a Thanksgiving Feast. Full turkey luncheon with all the trimmings. Doors open 11:30am Lunch served at 12:00pm
Pre order only by October 2nd Can't make it to our Thanksgiving Luncheon, we got you covered! Takeout Turkey Lunch $20 Pickup at 12:00pm
Costumes are optional! (but encouraged) Food available/cash bar $15 Advance/$20 at th Door
Living Life To The Fullest for 30 Years. Join us for cake and refreshments at 1:00pm
Ed Yurek Annual Memorial Charity Euchre Tournament Tickets $25 per person (cash bar) Tickets available from the front desk at the Seniors' Centre. Limited space. Buy your tickets now. Cocktails 7:00-7:30pm Euchre starts 7:30pm
Stop by and visit our Annual Christmas Craft Vendors, Crafts, Baked Goods Breakfast served 8:00am - 11:00am
Cash Bar and Food Available
Annual Christmas Luncheon - Advance Tickets Only Roast Turkey with all the trimmings Tickets $25 Lunch is served at 12:00pm - Doors open at 11:00am